
Dion Bergeron

This website is for Dion Bergeron. Dion hosts a video podcast called Dion's Daily Dose. We assist on the social media, but he likes to maintain the primary control of his own content. Aside from the website and social media, we are also updating the site to produce a newsletter, creating his IMDB outreach, and converting his current shows too audio-only formats so we can have an audio podcast as well.

Please feel free to click around the website and get some ideas and decide what features you are interested in.

Check out the Brand Bee Sales portfolio page for more information.

Brand Bee Sales

This website is for Brand Bee Sales. It is an automated drop shipping website that sells (mostly) products from China along with social media sites.

Please feel free to click around the website and get some ideas and decide what features you are interested in.

Check out the Brand Bee Sales portfolio page for more information.

Lanay’s Luau

This is for a Hawaiian Barbecue food truck with some amazing food. Spark Plug Strategies built the website and consulted on social media, but we do not handle that for them.

Please feel free to click around the website and get some ideas and decide what features you are interested in.

Check out our Lanay’s Luau portfolio page for more information.



This is my personal website but I use it as a proving ground. From it you will be able to see blog options and an e-commerce store integration. You will also find my social media and get an understanding of the uniformity I prefer, such as having the website URL and the social media usernames all match for greater brand awareness. It would be cool to sell a coffee mug or something, but the site shows the end design of how a person can create a merchandise page for their business so a client could, for instance, have a bar but also sell their teeshirts on their website and never have to touch them by using a print on demand company that integrates seamlessly with the website. Then you push your product catalog out to Facebook from your website and can sell there as well.

Please feel free to click around my website and get some ideas and decide what features you are interested in.

I intentionally took a screenshot from my iPhone to show the responsive theme and how it looks on a phone. All websites look better on a desktop or laptop, but more people are using their phones to see websites so we need to create good looking and functional websites that are responsive to all screen sizes.

Check out our The Michael Beebe portfolio page for more information.